Some of the notable events throughout 2024 captured by St. Louis Post-Dispatch videographer Allie Schallert.
Videographer, editor
For the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Over Heather’s 13-year relationship with her ex-husband, she alleges that he physically and verbally abused her, eroding her self-worth, her ability to be a good mother, and many relationships with family and friends. After losing custody of her son and daughter, she committed to finally leaving.
Director, videographer, editor
Additional videography by Arthur H. Trickett-Wile
After deciding to take over her parent's floral design business, Elisabeth Roeleveld felt it was a good year to participate in Art in Bloom at the St. Louis Art Museum. "I thought it would be a good moment to kind of bring Les Bouquets back into the conversation," Roeleveld said.
Brandice Huffman felt convinced at 17-years-old when Anthony Merseal claimed he was a divine prophet, dedicating herself to his teachings involving dragons, Armageddon, and polygamy for 8 years. After leaving in 2014 she thought his small following would fade, but Merseal continued to reinvent himself and his teachings.
Videographer, editor
For the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Sammy Cain is one of several generations in his family that took on farming as an occupation and passion. Now 71, he has no plans to stop working the land as he continues his family's legacy and comes to peace with knowing his children don't have to follow the same path.
Videographer, editor
For the Mountain Workshops
Max Ginsburg's extensive art collection was lost after his death in 1938 in the midst of Nazi Germany's rise. The current heirs still search for the collection while mourning the family they lost to Jewish persecution in the Holocaust.
Videographer, editor
For the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
After obsessing over making the "perfect bagel" at home, Scott Lefton felt inspired to sell his New York-style bagels to the St. Louis community. With his brother-in-law Doug Goldenburg, they are making the "bagel dream" happen.
When Nancy started running she had never heard of the World Marathon Majors, but when she runs the Boston Marathon in April she will become the first deaf woman to do so.
Videographer, editor
For the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Karen Davis was recognized from a young age for her artistic talent and was frequently encouraged to pursue it professionally. But without parents that properly encouraged her skills growing up she struggled to find her direction as an artist into adulthood.
Videographer, editor
Chloe Yates didn't see herself ever becoming a chef. Now as the executive chef and general manager at Cellar House in Oakville, she says, "I don't think I could ever leave."
Videographer, editor
For the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Halloween in St. Louis starts at one place - Johnny Brock's Dungeon.
Videographer, editor
For the St. Louis Post-Dispatch
Animals have been pushed out of their ecosystems and forced to adapt to human lifestyles for generations as civilizations have advanced and expanded. The traffic and urbanization of modern U.S. cities continue to put wildlife at risk of injury, becoming orphaned, and living in unsafe areas. After trying to find help for an injured baby squirrel in Oakland, California, Lila Travis discovered that it would be euthanized since there were no resources nearby to help it recover. She felt compelled to be the support that wildlife in the San Francisco area needed.
Videographer, editor
For the Hearst Journalism Competition